
Châteauneuf-du-Fargosonini LLC is a natural winery in Central California focused on creating unique new beverages from fruits that would otherwise be lost in the $218,000,000,000 of estimated food that is wasted in the USA yearly. We leverage ancient and bleeding edge post modern wine technologies to improve the carbon footprint of the farming and beverage sectors, by up-cycling fruit that normally spoils at various positions in the supply chain, particularly at the farm level.

We connect with organic whole sale farmers to ferment and distill fruits and sugar sources -that would normally be wasted- into unique, organic natural wines.

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

We’ve conducted bench trials on wines and ciders we’ve made from over 120 fruits which are grown nearby in California’s Central Valley, the farming capital of the world.

Our winery project is predicated on a return to the Dionysian. The industrialization of wine has wreaked havoc on our bodies and our palates, predicating wine to a cheap copy of a few European styles. The wild characteristics of fermentation have all been minimized so as to barely exist. Instead of the 50+ wild yeasts we find on our grapes, most wineries jump straight to one, which is usually cultivated on big sheets of plastic in factories. Through filtration, fining, over 96 additives, and a laundry list of other horrors, wine gets rectified to some sort of chemical solution that fits some kind of weird, ghost of a taste profile which probably never really existed, because those profiles are all based on thousands of years of natural, more wild, winemaking. Our wines are alive in the bottle. They change over time. We get bottle bouquet in a way that a sterile filtered wine (or worse, one chemically murdered) never could. Is there more risk? Potentially. But we know wines made properly and naturally can last over 100 years and still be drinkable, magical even. We do not have any sterile filtered or chemically murdered wines that old, because the technology has simply not been around that long.

We do brix tests on our wines after crush. That’s it for our chemistry set. Everything else is done by feel, smell, and taste, because that is how the wines will be rated. We are open to mystery in our winemaking. We are open to non-knowledge. We have things we learn, and try to repeat sometimes, but we go with nature’s rhythms. We have wines which are cooked in the sun, wines which are cold stabilized by the gods when winter comes. We pick our vineyard 8-10 times based on feel and taste.

Science’s greatest triumph is it’s own refutation: observing a system disturbs it and can change the outcome by attempting to look too closely, rate it and quantify whats happening. We are anti-observation in our winemaking. We often leave ferments or aging wines for very long periods of time. This physically reduces the chance of spoiling things by jamming tools into the wines, and also in some moments allows protective gases to build around the wines. But for the mental clarity of the winemaker, it is also a triumph to embrace the unknown and give up on the paranoia of constant testing (we never started). We often bottle our wines slightly sweet to preserve them naturally with carbon dioxide from the final moments of fermentation. When the wine is ready, we will recieve an auspicious signal from Dionysos.

sand texture

Our wines and spirits have been warmly received at several natural wine fairs in The Bay and Los Angeles, including GAY WINE, By The Way, BIG WEST WINE FEST, and Wine From Here, where they were covered by John McCarroll of Punch Magazine.

I was particularly entranced by the Châteauneuf-du-Fargosonini, the brainchild of Alejandro Fargosonini, an experimental filmmaker turned outsider winemaker. His whole lineup was thrillingly turbo, but I spent a long time thinking about his first wine, a direct-press grenache aged for two years under flor (which was later recycled to start what he calls a “shitty solera”). Tasting the wine, I was struck by the thought that natural wine hadn’t so much grown up as it had grown out; the energy that used to be directed into making thirst quenchers and party wines has been turned in a bewildering array of directions. All in all, I spent nine hours tasting, and there were maybe three wines I would have considered glou-glou (and they were, of course, delicious).” - John McCarroll, Punch Magazine, “Call it Natural Wines Goth Phase”

natural wine from food waste is not just possible, but also delicious

We farm 9 acres of grenache grapes at our vineyard in the Central Valley. We have planted over 80 new varieties of grapes, focusing on varieties that are not farmed commercially or are extremely rare in North America. This includes hybrids and North American native grapes as well as many species of vitis vinifera. This gives us a connection to European winemaking which we always want to keep a hold of as we move into the future of dealing with food waste and new sources of sugars. We are constantly adding to collection of unique vines from other growers, nurseries and universities. We would like to become a source for unique varieties for other new winemakers in the future. We have collected varieties from Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Georgia, and Croatia.

We currently live in our vineyard which we are converting to organic farming. It is at the heart of the Central Valley of California, which is the agricultural capital of the planet. Most of the food waste in the USA is happening on farms in this area. This is our lab for farm food waste.

Our wines are

Andrea and Alejandro have known each other for 8 years and attended an MFA program together in Berlin, studying art. Andrea is a successful choreographer in Toronto half the year, Alejandro makes films and music and lives in the vineyard most of the year. Both are currently pursuing their PhD Dissertations at The European Graduate School currently, focused on Literary, Musical, and Visual Thought.

Meet the Team